Floorball after minor hockey season

1376704664Is your hockey team or association looking for something to do after a long season of hockey? Maybe you players formed some great friendships this year or maybe you want to continue play with a few of your teammates but hockey is over and everyone is going their separate ways!

Be sure to check out FLOORBALL!
It looks like hockey but follows soccer like rules of play. You do not need any equipment other than a stick and ball (and of course a few friends to have fun with)! Goalies are optional, but if you feel like you want the FULL hockey experience, then grab another friend and put them between the posts!


Hockey Canada has partnered with Floorball Canada to develop a floorball program in elementary schools where kids can learn to play the sport of floorball. Minor Hockey Associations are encourage to consider Floorball as a development program as well as a new sport that will offer membership an extention of their hockey season play. Visit Hockey Canada’s website for more information about floorball Hockey Canada Introduces Floorball.

Check this minor hockey link: MHA Floorball League